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The Popularity of Dynamic Typing vs Static Typing Over Time

I made this chart using the popularity of each programming language from the available StackOverflow developer surveys (from 2013-2019). I categorized each language as either static or dynamically-typed, but a few languages fit in both categories. I thought it made the most sense to put them in the dynamically-typed group because my definition of a dynamically-typed language is any language that supports runtime type checks.

You can view a more interactive version of this chart along with all of my data in this half-decent spreadsheet I made. The chart is a little zoomed in because I thought it looked better, so don't be misled into thinking the changes are too drastic. The data might also be a little skewed because the number of responses have drastically increased over time, and the surveys after 2016 include a larger variety of programming languages, but I think the chart is still accurate as far as general trends go.

Here are the StackOverflow survey pages I used to get all of my data, in case you want better visuals for each language :)

2013-2016 survey data
2017 survey data
2018 survey data
2019 survey data
